The Staten Island Children’s (SICM) Museum values, celebrates, and is committed to fostering diversity, equity and inclusion SICM believes building an inclusive and equitable environment is an ongoing, active process that requires constant and deliberate mindfulness and attention.
Through policies, procedures and programs, SICM values and seeks the strengths of human variety in race, ethnicity, culture, language, religion, gender, gender fluidity, sexual orientation, family structure, personal beliefs, ability, veteran status, socioeconomic status, immigration status, geography and country of origin.
Across communities, in programming, with staff, boards of directors, volunteers, artists and visitors, SICM persistently strives to build a culture of diversity of voice and representation, authentically inclusive spaces and equity for all.
Linked bellow details SICM’s assessments and one to six year plan as it looks at current processes, practices, protocols and procedures in the following key areas: Hiring and Recruitment, Retention and Promotion, Diverse and Equitable Leadership, Inclusive Organizational Culture and Programming and Outreach.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Plan of Staten Island Children’s Museum